Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday, October 17

Finally, I post for Friday. I had a great time, I feel like I have hit some sort of stride. I didn't get any pictures, but thats okay.

Today I did Juice Bottles. Basically, I would use the fruit juice from the cans of fruit they put in the apes' breakfast. I put about 2 tablespoons in a water (or large juice) bottle. Then, I would put about twice as much water in the bottle to dilute the juice. We don't bother putting the bottle lids on, as it doesn't much change the time it takes for the apes to process the enrichment.
So anyway, I just put the bottles out, about 2 per individual. It was so cute to watch them drinking their juice. Mosi didn't do as well, he got a bottle and just slung the juice everywhere. I didn't see the orangutans use theirs, I need to remember to try and watch them next time.

I am pretty sad though, there are some changes coming in the great ape program, there will be a couple of new guys coming. I am not supposed to broadcast the changes just yet so they can have time to adjust to their new lives, but I will write more about that later. So anyway, they are suspending the program for a couple of weeks, probably around a month. As soon as it resumes, I will be glad to meet the new guys when I can come back.

Ironically, I got my pass card/id card today! And now I can't use it for another month. Pretty funny.

I really like talking to Ann. I feel that she really really cares about the apes and is very thoughtful about their situation. Not that the other keepers don't, but I find it very easy and interesting to talk to her about the apes. She was telling me that she was glad I liked the program so much, so I came out and told her how I was feeling after the second and third time I came. I wasn't dealing well with the apes captivity, and how to deal with them as more than just organisms, but individuals. Almost people. I told her that I had moved past it, but it was so hard that I wanted to quit. She told me that it was something she went through every couple of years. I was so glad she told me that, I felt that she really understood where I was coming from. A piece of wisdom that she told me was that even if you aren't there, they still are. Essentially, if you are bothered by the fact that the apes are in captivity, just because you avoid the fact doesn't they are closer to being free. I agree. I hope that I, and anyone else who works with the apes, can just make life better for them. The enrichment activities gives them something to look forward to, something to break up the monotony of life in captivity. And the truth is, none of these guys would last long on their own in the wild. Beautiful neurotic JJ would have to suffer for his heart condition, and probably wouldn't last long with the stress of life in the wild. Laid back, sweetheart Fossey probably wouldn't be able to have his harem and his little son Mosi. Mahale would still be Miss Priss, but she wouldn't get her way near as much in the wild. Chiquita, who doesn't like to go outside, would be out all the time! Of course, all of these guys would probably have different personalities if they were born and raised in the wild. But with the zoo, I hope that some little boy or girl will come to the zoo and watch Mosi, and really care for the gorillas. Or someone who looks at Chiquita or Rok and wants to know more about how the wild orangs live may someday lead the movement to save the orangutans left in the wild. Or someone may see the little comedian Chance, and want to know how he can be so similar to any 6 year old human. Its important for people to empathize with these guys, and therefore it is important to have zoos. And as I was telling Ann, although I am loathe to say it, there may not be any great apes left in the wild in my lifetime. That would truly be a tragedy, but we are moving towards that. Ann made a good point when she said to me that even the great apes in the wild are essentially living in a cage. Their habitat is forever being encroaching upon, and their homes shrinking is similar to a shrinking cage. Populations are being isolated, less resources are available to the groups existing now.

Sorry to leave on such a serious note. Soon I hope to have news of the new arrivals, as well as updates on enrichment. The whole idea, in my head, is to preserve our closest cousins in the animal kingdom. They are so important to us, for so many reasons.

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